Nickel-Iron toroids
OMEM produces 0.20 Nickel-Iron toroidal cores with a minimum internal diameter of 10mm up to a maximum external diameter of 1500mm and with a belt height from a minimum of 5mm up to a maximum of 160mm.
The weight of these toroids varies from a few grams up to 100kg.
The Iron-Nickel toroids 0,07-0,10mm are instead produced with a tape of maximum height 70mm, for a maximum weight of 20kg.
For higher heights, the option of superimposing cores of heights that allow to obtain the best possible magnetic values from the material is often evaluated
The 0.07mm-0.10mm toroids can be supplied with a customized case that allows you to protect the product during handling.
OMEM also produces hybrid toroidal cores, with or without cuts, composed of Ferro-Silicon and Ferro-Nickel.